Frequently Asked Questions

What interrupt bars are you using?

I am using my own modified WeakAura interrupt bars to fit my UI – link here

What addons are required for your UI?

You need to install ElvUI, WeakAuras and Details. Details will give you access to the font I am using for my UI ‘Accidental Presidency’.

What fonts are you using?

I am using ‘Accidental Presidency’ for all my fonts. This comes installed with ElvUI.

What are other addons do you use?

Nameplates: Plater
Bossmods: Bigwigs (Littlewigs for dungeons) + Bigwigs Voice
Meters: Details
Bags: AdiBags

How are you marking the mobs in the dungeon?

I am using an automarker weakaura that is widely available on

Where can I get your Details Profile?

Can you share your BigWigs profile?

You can place the config file under the folder: World of Warcraft_retail_\WTF\Account\AccountName\SavedVariables

Note: where it says ‘AccountName’ it will specify something specific to your account (usually a string of numbers).

Then type /bigwigs in game, go to ‘Profile’ and choose ‘Quazii Bigwigs’.

You MUST install BigWigs profile after closing your WoW game. Else it will not work.

How Do I Enable Manabars for Party Frames?

You can enable ‘Power’ under ElvUI’s UnitFrames for ‘Party’

How are you tracking your Party Cooldowns?

I used to use Zentracker for that. But made the swap on 12 April 2021 to OmniCD addon – I strongly recomemnd installing this over Zentracker for purposes of tracking your party cooldown, as it is WAY more user-friendly

How do I bind my keys, or get my Actionbars to show?

I hid them by default, as I memorize my binds. You can unhide them by: 1) Typing /ec 2) Under actionbar, click on each action bar and uncheck ‘mouseover’. They will now show persistently.

How are you tracking your Healer’s Mana?

You can get my healer mana WA tracker here.

What is the Combat Timer in your UI?

You can import the WeakAura here: link

How Do I Zoom Out as far as You?

You can use this command, /console cameraDistanceMaxZoomFactor 2.6

How are you tracking the number of Battle Res you have?

You can download the same WeakAura I have here.

How do you have transparent chat bubbles in WoW?

Use this thread on Reddit as a resource (link)

Can you track GCD on your WeakAura packages?

By default I do not. But you can if you like. Follow the 2 steps here:

1) Click on ‘Display’ tab. Check the boxes for ‘Show Cooldown’ AND ‘Cooldown Swipe’.
2) Then go into ‘Text’ section under ‘Display’ tab and disable ‘Show Text’ for anything related to %p (this way you do not see doubling of cooldown tracking)
3) Go into ‘Trigger’ tab. Click ‘Extra Options’, then click on ‘Show Global Cooldown’ (imgur link)

How do I track a new buff in your Buff Bars?

You can add a buff to be tracked. Simply right click on any buff in my package, and hit duplicate. Then, go under ‘Trigger’ tab, and change the ‘Spell ID’ to the ID of your buff you want to track. You can mouseover the buff to get the Spell ID.

Alternatively, check the box for ‘Name(s)’ and type the name of the buff.

How do I make my ElvUI Actionbars change when I change to a different Druid form?

In the action bars section, go to player bars. Any player bars you want to switch with form go to action paging and paste: [bonusbar:1,nostealth] 7; [bonusbar:1,stealth] 8; [bonusbar:2] 8; [bonusbar:3] 9; [bonusbar:4] 10;

Press accept, and you are done.

How do I NOT use Abbreviated Plater names that only show the last name of mobs?

Type /plater. Then go to ‘Modding’. Uncheck ‘Abbreviated Names’ as a mod.

How do I renable Boss Unitframes?

Type /ec, go to Unitframes. Click on Group Units -> Boss -> Check ‘Enable’

How to track duration of Treants or Cardboard Assassins

You can use my combined WeakAura tracker for Treants and Cardboard Assassins. Link here.

I Installed Your Plater Profile, And The Textures of Bars Look Different

My Plater profile uses texture from ElvUI. So upon installation, if you do not have ElvUI installed, the textures on the bars might not by identical to mine. You need to manually select another texture that has no gradient, to get a similar look to mine (this is assuming you are unwilling to use ElvUI).

What Addon Are You Using For Your Cursor?

That is Cursor Trail – it adds a spark effect to your cursor, so you don’t lose it, admist the chaos

What Thundering WeakAuras are you using?

I am using a combination of two weakauras – First and Second, the first tells me how long I have left to clear, second tells me who to clear with.

What Dungeon WeakAuras are you using?

I am using this WA dungeon pack from Causese

Where can I get your OmniCD Profile?

You can get my OmniCD Profile here

Where Can I Get Your Consumables WeakAura?

You can get it here

What is Your M+ Timer WeakAura?

I use the timer done by Reloe

What is Your WeakAura reminder to re-roll keys?

I use my own weakaura here.

For Healer UI, your HoTS are tracked as squares, how do I change to icons?

Go to /ec, “Unitframes” -> Group Units – > Party -> Aura Indicator -> click ‘Configure Auras’ -> select spell you want to show as an icon -> under Style, change it to “Textured Icon” -> change ‘Size Offset’ if you want a larger icon. you can also change anchor point to change position of where the icon appears on the unitframe.

What’s the WeakAura reminding you to check talents on ready check?

You can get the Weakaura here.

Where can I get that new more compact Details & ElvUI look?

Link to the new details profile here (updated on 30 April 2023).
Link to the new ElvUI compact profiles – DPS and healer (updated on 30 April 2023)

How Do You Hide Your Objective Frames?

Use this command “/run ObjectiveTrackerFrame:Hide()” – to show it again, change Hide to Show.

Where do you get to display M+ count to the top right of your nameplates?

I explained it in this video, watch it here

How to Enable Health Bar For Friendly Players or NPCs (e.g. Friendly Adds To Heal in Raids)

Use the command /run SetCVar (“nameplateShowOnlyNames”,0) – this will add healthbars to friendly adds/players.

In Classic SoD, ‘Temporal Beacon’ and ‘Wild Growth’ rune abilities are not showing on ElvUI unitframes – how to fix?

Import Quazii’s Classic ElvUI Sod Aura Filters here – it should fix the problem.

In Classic WoW, Shaman Class Colors are not showing on ElvUI properly

Download the addon –

I cannot fin

I cannot find my stance bar, pet bar, micro bar or extra buttons after installing your ElvUI profile.

/ec -> Actionbars -> click on Stance Bar (Check enable) -> click on Micro Bar (check enable) -> click on Pet Bar (check enable) -> click on Extra Buttons (check enable) – they were disabled to make it less cluttered, so turn on/off whatever you like.

How do I enable combat text for the heals that I am doing on my allies?

Use a friendly healing console command /console floatingCombatTextCombatHealing 1