Dungeon Quick Tips

The below table is meant to be a cheat sheet for purposes of pugging Shadowlands M+ dungeons. These are meant to be quick copy and paste reminders for your party.

De Other SideAssign AoE Crowd Controls on the Devoted adds before Hakkar. Do not overlap CCs here, do not let Devoted’s cast go off.

Do NOT kill Millhouse Manastorm on pull (hold CDs if needed). You need him to be able to interrupt Millificent Manastorm’s casts in the next phase.

Dealer Xy’exa: Spread the ArcaneLightning debuff around. Two rules here – (i) do not pass it to the person marked with bomb (ii) do not pass it back to person who passed the debuff to you.

Mueh’zala: Save big DPS CDs and DPS pots for the visage. Tank to rotate defensives for Soul Crusher.
Halls of AtonementEchelon: Bait the red puddles to side. When adds spawn, do not damage them, stack near middle – let adds gather in the middle then AoE.

Aleez: only kick the Volley casts.

Outrange damage from Shard of Halkias ‘Thrash’ ability, especially on fortified keys. Range class should stay max range to avoid taking damage.
Mists of Tirna ScitheWhen doing the usual G9 skip on MDT, make sure NO ONE is in combat after the skip (else the pack will aggro onto the group when working on the next pull).

Tred’ova: Do not kick consumption if your healer can handle the damage. There will be less adds and acid puddles to deal with.
PlaguefallGlobgrog: Assign CCs on big add before pull (Monk Paralyze, Hunter Trap, Warlock Banish, Druids Roots, Rogue Blind, Paladin Turn Evil).

Doctor Ikus: Avoid damage on jumps. The swirlies will always spawn North, South, East, West of where the boss is facing when he jumps.

Domina: Make sure you are stacking with party members, else you get CCed. Run out only for Shadow Ambush.

Margrave: Assign 1 DPS CD for phase 1 with Pride buff. Assign 2 DPS CDs for Phase 2. Use Bloodlust on Phase 3. Remember that the adds move slow but melee hard. If you have aggro on them, move away from adds.
Sanguine DepthsKryxis: Stagger soaks of the orbs to let the healer catchup on heals.

Tarvold: Save CDs for small adds. Assign DPS CDs for tiny adds. Stack in to the side of the hallway – e.g. if the tornado just passed to your left, stack in to your left AFTER it passes. Vice versa.

Grand Proctor: If you have immunities, call them out. Allow others to soak more orbs if one person immunes per Rite of Supremacy.

Spread in gauntlet, so Kaal does not cleave onto party members. DO NOT pull the Bat from the hallway with accidental AoE.

Do NOT AoE front of Custodian Javlin’s room to prevent pulling the entire room by mistake.
Spires of AscensionVetunax: Pop defensives and health pots on bleeds.

Always assign two kicks for the Goliath’s cast.

Assign soakers on the 3rd boss orbs, and coordinate with direction group will be heading to
The Necrotic WakeBlightbone: Face vomit AWAY from party members. Have vomit target face back of room, everyone else move to front of room.

Amarth: Coordinate CCs on mages if you have them (Hunter Trap, Monk Paralyze). If not, assign who will kick the mages into melee range to be AoE down.

Surgeon Stitchflesh: When ‘Escape’ by boss is about to happen. Have party member targetted by Hook point it directly to stage. Boss will jump away, only to be hooked back off the stage.

Assign who will Spear + Hammer on which boss. Do not overlap weapons unnecessarily.
Theater of PainSoothe Bloodhorn mob Raging Tantrum FAST on the first pull.

You can pick the mini-boss in Xav’s wing based on their animation. If you trigger the RP after A melees B, then you will get the A miniboss. If you trigger the RP after B melees A, you will get B as the miniboss.

Assign kicks to Volley and Bone Spear casts on the way to Kul’Tharok.

Range classes can stack in melee range on Gorechop, to avoid being hooked in by Gorechop. This allows you more time to move and dodge chains.

Mordretha: Save bloodlust and big DPS CDs for 50% mark. This is the most challenging phase of the fight.